Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aubrey is 1!

So it is so hard to believe but Aubrey Elaine is 1! She was born January 23,2007 at 12:00pm weighing in at 8lb Ooz. She has been such a joy this past year it has been so much fun. She loved her birthday cake but loved having Gigi and Poppy here. She got some really cute gifts and as you can tell even Ty had a good time. Thank you to everyone who has had some part in her life this past year. It is amazing how fast the years seem to go when you have children. I love having kids it is great. We are so looking forward to seeing more of all of you this year as she takes on year 2. She is very laid back,funny and everyone wants to be around her because she is so happy and such a joy. There is definetly a difference between a boy and a girl and I am so bleesed to have one of each thus far. Pray as we continue to train these little blessings that have been given to us. We only have 1 child in diapers now praise the Lord. Love you all!

1 comment:

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Happy Birthday sweet Aubrey! I can't believe a year has passed already! Where has the time gone?! She is beautiful Kristin, and such a joy. You are doing an incredible job!