Thursday, June 26, 2008

The prayers of my little man....

Ty says the cutest prayers every night it just kills me to hear them. His prayers typically go like this:
Dear God thank you for your blessings, Lord thank you for your heart, thank you for my sins, oh lord forgive me of my sins. Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for me. Thank you for my friends, thank you for mommy, daddy, and sissy(now he is calling her Aubs). Please give me good sleep so I wake up a happy boy...and it the morning I will have breakfast, Orange juice, and my vitamins. Thank you for Leslie(who is the music associates wife who Ty is in love with) and help her baby feel better.(By the way she does not have a baby and is not pregnant to my knowledge) In Jesus name AMEN!

I love to hear him pray but I love to hear his heart most of all. He has been going to a Vacation Bible School this week during the morning and he loved it. They are having a program tonight and Ty said he had been practicing and that he was going to be singing tonight. I can't believe how big my kids are getting. It kills me to think that one day they will be grown and have kids of their own. I am treasuring each moment I get with them. These ages with the kids right now are so fun and exciting. Thank you God for giving me the most amazing children. Help me to teach them how to love you and follow you all the days of their lives.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Our trip to Emerald Isle

We had the most amazing time at the beach this Mother's Day week. We rented a house at the beach for a week with another family. We had an amazing time together and it was so much fun to get to go to the beach when it is not 1 million degrees . Here are some of the pictures from our time at the beach! Enjoy!